INTEC Adfp's For Social Sciences (life)

00_ADFP overview
Hi !
My name is Muhammad Syafiq bin Shaharuddin. I am 18 years old and currently studying at International Education College (INTEC) , Malaysia. I am taking American Degree Foundation Programme (ADFP) for 24 month or if it is my fortune ,it will only takes 12 month.
Today , I would like to share with you guys about the differences & similarities in educational system between primary & secondary school with college or  university and about culture shock that I had when I first entered college or university.
Firstly,the differences in the aspects of social is the relationships with others.During primary & secondary,we often heard that the students were not making relationship.They just make groups for certain people that are in the same interests such as the quiet one must befriend with the group that similar to them.In my opinion , this should not be happen as we are students that need to cooperate with each other .Therefore,when I step into INTEC,the situation changed because even we does not know each other, we just greet them,knowing them, and making friend with them.They are really friendly and smart students.This attitude could contribute to a good relationship goal as we can help each other in the future.
In addition,at INTEC ,there are various religions such as Islam,Buddha,Christian and Hindu compared when I was in my primary and secondary  which I was only with Malay's students.This situation led me to know each other well and weave friendship with them.Knowing them  make me realised that they came from different background.Some were rich,some were medium.But,here we are together give our strengths to help each other in order to grab the success with flying colours.Differently,with primary and secondary which I just came to school and we just weave friendship with our own class members.But,sometimes I make friends with others too.It was obvious that we were only weaving friendships with the same religion with us.Therefore,in my opinion,as a community of this temporary world,we need to weave as many friendship as we can to build harmony society.
Next,during my secondary at a boarding school,there were still some people care about you such as the teacher especially when you was acting bad.They will advice you as you was their child.I really missed that kind of moments.But ,when I stepped into INTEC, there will nobody would advice you except for the kind-hearted lecturers and your good friends. But,the probability was less compared when you are in secondary and primary school.Therefore,before you stepped out of secondary school,please be prepared for an extreme life out there that can make you change whether bad or either.Strengthen your faith and build confidence.Join as many club or activities done by anyone that is official that can increase your level of confident.This will totally help you in your future life development.
Fourthly is about expenses.Seriously,when you are entering college,then you will know the value of money since before this,we are just know to use it rather than to find it.During primary and secondary,it was easy to buy anything as everything were quite cheap and we did not have to think how to get money.Just ask your parents and they will gave you.But, when I was at the college,I learned to manage my money expenses.Breakfast,lunch and dinner was on myself.So, I have to manage the best way of my expenses to less burden to my parents.
Firstly, I would say that when in my primary and secondary,I used many note books as one book for one subjects.Can you imagine how many book I had at that time?Surely, my bag became heavier because of that.But,when you are in college,it is all depend on you on how many notebooks you want to bring as the lecturers will not checked your notebooks.
Secondly,marks in INTEC are completely difference with previous primary and secondary school.The marks are more based on quizzes,assignment,mid-term exam,class project,attitudes and final exam.There are many fractions of it compared during primary and secondary school.Therefore,I had to make sure my grades are good for every fraction of it.In addition,the grades in INTEC are really high.
Thirdly,about the dressscode.At the college,surely you can dress whatever you want as long it is proper and following their dresscode.But,during primary and secondary , we were all got the same dressscode to go to school everyday.I would say that college lifestyle is your own style.
Fourthly,as you all know,we often called whom teached us as "teacher" but it is changing when I entered INTEC as we called them lecturer and their pronoun were miss,madam,professor and sir. For the first time,it will surely hard to get used calling them with these but surely after that I am sure that I will adapt to it.
Fifthly,about the timetable.College 's timetable is not as fixed as primary and secondary timetable.Sometimes class ends early and sometimes it gets late.AT INTEC,the marks for examination was very high than I predict.For example,97 and above are categorized as A+ .Differently than primary and secondary which 90 above are categorized as A+.
Being in college was full of technologies.At INTEC, I would said that gadgets were very important as they had became our needs now.Especially for ADFP's students like me.Most of my assignment had forced me to use gadgets.This situation is totally difference from my primary and secondary school which I just need to use pencil,pen,eraser and others stationaries.Beside,whatsapp is one of important application that must has in my phone.If not,I will be in trouble since most of lecturers connect with their students with that application.
I think that's all for this entry.Thanks for reading.
