Islamophobia : Perception vs Reality

Assalamualaikum and hello to all readers,
This is my second journal in this wordpress.I would like  to discuss about Islamophobia that occurred nowadays.Why this phenomenon happened ? What is Islamophobia ? And others questions may be asked by the society. Keep reading mine and find another truth sources about Islam . Don't just trust the media but do some researches before you  are judging anything in this world. Remember, perception does not reflect the truth.
Several incidence of terrorisms are often  related with Muslim world or Islam itself even if the truth are done by others religion.The incidence of 11 September 2001 sacrificed  about 2296 people followed by the bombing incidence in Madrid in 11 March  2004 that killed 191 people and the bombing incidence in London at 7 July 2005 that killed 52 people by the terrorists suspected as Muslims makes the image of Islam become bad in the perception of the people that does not know the reality.
With this development of wrong perception towards Islam,the term ‘Islamophobia’becomes popular in growing wrong perception towards Muslims world and Islam itself.This phenomenon causes many implications to the life of the Muslims ,therefore Islamic Country Organisation has create “OIC Islamophobia Observatory” to observe the development of this issue and makes initiatives to correct back the negative perception of the society toward Islam.Even though the term of Islamophobia has been used since 1990 by the academic’s member and the media,however the reality is the phenomenon of Islamophobia happened since the expansion of Islam in Makkah before.
no 1 islamWHY ?
Want or not,we cannot  put aside the incidence of the fallen tower,The World Trade Center in New York at 11 September 2001 or 11/9 that has been  used as the main cause of  the ideology of Islamophobia to be increase in the mind of the world.This incidence has become the root for the hatred of Islam to make Islam became a negative religion in the head of the society.
Ironically,there are others  that joined terrorism such as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam in Sri Lanka, the team of  Khalistani in India, Rebels in North Ireland, ‘Basque separatists’ in Spain and Zionis Israel, these groups are not labelled for represent their religion and there are no such term such as Chritianofobia or Hindufobia or Judaismofobia related to them.Don’t you see now ? This proved that the term of Islamophobia is not strongly used for describing Islam for terrorism crimes but there are others factors that makes the term exists .
Yes,in my opinion ,this issue has to be concern as Islam is an international religion and surely this issue will affects the Muslim World. Besides, Islamophobia is a truly wrong perception towards Islam and this perception has been believed by the worldwide including in muslim community and non-muslim community.Islam is a peace religion but somehow ,some people takes advantage using the name of Islam to make terrorism and this is definitely not in the teaching of Islam which prior peace when dealing with anything.
Next,Islamophobia has brought negative perception in various perspectives such as  law, culture and moral in Islam .This negative perceptions have been proved by the report that was made by Runnymede in London entitle ‘Islamofobia: A Challenge for Us’ All that  stated that “Islam is perceived as a monolithic block, static and unresponsive to change; it is viewed as separate and “other”; it does not have values in common with other cultures, is not affected by them and does not influence them. Islam is seen as inferior to the West; it is considered barbaric, irrational, primitive and sexist; Islam is seen as violent, aggressive, threatening, and supportive of terrorism and engaged in a “clash of civilizations.”
The summary that has been made by Runnymede proved that Islam has been seriously wrongly interpreted by many people especially society of non-muslim in the west.Therefore,this negative perception has to be correct to ensure the truth is revealed and the society understand about Islam.
Firstly, the ‘institutional Islamophobia’ and non-institutional Islamophobia.Islamophobia in the aspect  of institutional is according to organization or any society that discriminates based on the identity of religion while non-institutional Islamophobia  is based on individual .Institutional islamophobia is giving more effects such as denying of the opportunity to work,hold important position,right for religion during working and others.
Secondly,the ‘Islamophobia of the state’ is involving the policy of the state.When this happen,muslim will have problem when dealing with government sector as discrimination will happen.
Thirdly,the ‘dominant Islamophobia’ and the ‘non-dominant Islamophobia’.Dominant Islamophobia is happening in majority non-muslim country while non-dominant Islamophobia is happening in majority muslim country.
Lastly is the ‘unconcious Islamophobia’.This type is happening in a condition where muslim itself does not realize they are threatened by law and media’s sentences.
Those types of Islamophobia proved that this phenomenon gives effect to the people,society and policy of the country.Therefore,steps need to be taken to bring people know the truth of Islam.
a) Mediano4
Media is one of the powerful mind control for people.Media also built society’s opinion upon some issues that were reported by them.Media that is pro-western that will always takes advantage to give bad reputation towards Islam and  spreads negative news about Islam.For example,film,’Fitna’ by a Netherland politician named Geert Wilder that  had been spread had caused a negative perception borned in the middle of society of the world toward Islam especially towards the holy Al-Quran.This was followed by a bias report on  the case of murdered ,Marwa al-Sherbini in Dresdan,Jerman on 1 July 2009  that was because of hatred toward Islam.
b) Intellectualno6
Some people use their intellectual to mock Islam by writing books for giving negative thought about Islam. For instant,the writing that had give negative idea about Islam are the  ‘Legacy of Jihad’, ‘While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within’ and ‘Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America’.
c) Politicno7
Islamophobia is also expressed in politic of a country.At New Zealand, campaign of anti-Islam by Daniel Streich had contribute in the law in the country that had harm the construction for prayer house for Islam such as the mosque.Besides,Netherland’s politician ,Geert Wilder had lead the campaign of anti-Islam just to gain popularity and  politic.
d) Structureno8
Islamophobia also give effect in the needs for the muslim such as the basic needs,work opportunity,education,health care and place to stay.The prove was in Jerman, a doctor did not want to make medical check up for a muslim named,Jihad.Next was in Canada which a muslimah student had been eliminate from the school just because she did  not want to open her veil.All the incidences proved that Islamophobia gives such bad effect to the Muslim World.
e) Protest and Terrorism
Hatred to Islam also  interpreted in the form of protest and terrorism.In Denmark,publishing of cartoon that insult Prophet Muhammad saw by Kurt Westergaard proved Islamophobia gave effect to them.In America, the incidence of burning the holy Al-Quran had been done for 9 months from September 2010 till December 2011 including the campaign to burn Al-Quran by Pastor Terry Jones shows the manifestation of protest because of Islamophobia.In Nevada,police arrested muslim that prayed at the parking place.All of these incidences show that there is a fear exist toward Islam without any strong reason .
a) Media
One of the most important to do is the function of the media in constructing the perception and thought of the society.Media has to be more responsible to ensure every programmes and news about Islam must be checked and avoid misunderstanding about Islam.Media should produces programmes and documentary about the reality of Islamophobia based on real facts .
b) Create Understandings
Built strategy and education programme since primary school in order to give understanding about Islam to the muslim and non-muslim. This understandings should be inserted into the syllabus in education of the school . In the same time, programme to create understandings should also be done in every mosque,state and international.
c) Training,talk and dialogue
The people that handle about Islamophobia have to be trained before giving explanation about this issue. Through this training, they can be the agent to spread  the truth one about Islam .Besides, talk and dialogue about this issue should be done in every community .Campaign of awareness to the staff of government ,non-government  and society should always be done .
d) Researchno12
Research should be done especially in Islam’s country in this Islamophobia,s issue. This research should be done to find the root causes of the problems and find solution for the problem .The research should be tell to the society and world to make people clear about Islamophobia.The research has to be recorded  and keep to become source one day.
Islamophobia is a fear towards Islam and the fear brings people to express their anger towards Islam by many ways with different perspectives.This fear begins to rise when the fallen tower of World Trade Centre case happen in New York during 11 September 2001  has brings people to a negative perception toward Islam .This was helped by the media which had always pointed Islam as the main points of the attack happened .They had accuse Islam as the main point of all terrorism even the truth is not.
However,there are still ways to overcome this issue but it needs cooperation from the society. Don't judge before you know the truth .The truth has to be told with evidences and in the nutshell, Islam is a peace religion and does not give harm to anyone.
Just believe,the one who discoveno13r Islam, will find its beauty .Please find the sources that have the real true facts and do not have any bias .
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